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Regulile Pro Ligi 1 Romania sunt realizate impreuna cu toti managerii parcipanti la turneu, pentru bunul mers al ligii. The rules of Pro Ligi 1 Romania are made together with all the managers participating in the tournament, for the smooth running of the league.




1.      Fiecare jucator/manager este obligat ca GamerTag-ul detinut sa fie identic/asemanator cu numele de utilizator de pe site-ul competitiei, www.virtualproleague.com .

-        In caz contrar, jucatorul devine neeligibil pentru a juca.

2.      Fiecare echipa este obligata sa transmita LIVE meciul si sa il salveze, indifierent de platforma folosita (Youtube, Twitch, Facebook, etc)

-        In caz contrar, la prima abatere echipa este avertizata, iar de la a doua abatere este penalizata cu -1pct in clasament.

a)      Jucatorul care transmite LIVE meciul este obligat ca la finalul meciului sa apese butonul „X” pentru a se vedea toate GamerTag-urile ambelor echipe, apoi sa treaca pe la PLAYER RATINGS atat la echipa proprie, cat si la adversar, pentru a se vedea notele si cartonasele primite pentru AMBELE echipe, iar in ultimul rand sa treaca pe la PERFORMANCE pentru a se vedea statisticile tuturor jucatorilor din echipa proprie in vederea completarii statisticilor pe site. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S6KxjwYlvzM&list=PLg-ZrOhk2jk3dHKea-lVWtZ4icvAbChVv&index=2)

-        In caz contrar, la prima abatere echipa este avertizata, iar de la a doua abatere este penalizata cu -1pct in clasament.

3.      Live-ul trebuie upload-at pe site-ul VPL, limita maxima fiind ora 00:00 ora Romaniei, in ziua meciului.

-        In caz contrar, la prima abatere echipa este avertizata, iar de la a doua abatere este penalizata cu -1pct in clasament.

4.      Statisticile individuale de la sfarsitul meciului (goluri, pase corecte, etc.) se vor raporta obligatoriu pe site pana a doua zi de dupa meci, pana la ora 12:00 ora Romaniei.

-        In caz contrar, statisticile nu se vor mai lua in calcul si vor ramane 0 pentru meciul respectiv.

-        In cazul in care o statistica este gresita la un jucator, acel jucator nu mai primeste statisticile pentru meciul respectiv.

5.      Daca jucatorul care face live este deconectat sau intervine o situatie neprevazuta in broadcasting, se vor lua in considerare statusurile doar in cazul in care un alt jucator va filma cu telefonul sau alt dispozitiv exact ce trebuie sa se filmeze la finalul jocului (GT-urile ambelor echipe, Player Ratings la ambele echipe si Performance pentru echipa proprie pentru fiecare jucator in parte)

6.      Jucatorii care vor lua 1 cartonas rosu vor fi suspendati urmatorul meci.

-        In caz contrar, echipa care foloseste jucatorul neeligibil pierde meciul prin default.

7.      Jucatorii care sunt prinsi ca folosesc conturi diferite/multiple pentru a juca, vor primi automat suspendare/ban.

8.      Managerii echipelor au obligatia sa transmita jucatorilor regulamentul pentru a fi cunoscut de toti jucatorii.

-        In caz contrar, managerii pot fi raspunzatori de anumite „greseli” facute de jucatorii proprii care nu cunosc regulamentul (ex: blocarea portarului, tragerea de timp, etc.)

9.      Managerul/Co-managerul fiecarei echipe este obligat sa anunte fiecare transfer facut pe grup print-un mesaj care va cuprinde numele contului de Facebook, GamerTag-ul si username-ul de pe site-ul VPL

-        In caz contrar, jucatorul transferat nu poate fi folosit si devine neeligibil.

10.   Managerii/Co-managerii nu au voie sa rezilieze contractele jucatorilor, decat in cazul transferurilor (in perioada stabilita)

-        In caz contrar, cel care a facut acest lucru este avertizat la prima abatere, iar de la a doua abatere poate primi suspendare/ban.

11.   Echipele eligibile pentru competitie trebuie sa aiba in lot un numar mimin de 8 jucatori semnati pe site si un numar minim de 6 jucatori prezenti in fiecare joc.

12.   Echipele sunt obligate sa foloseasca ANY, exceptie fac echipele PREMIUM (minimum 5 jucatori cu cont premium in lot), insa pozitia de GK este optionala

-        In caz contrar, echipa care incalca aceasta regula pierde meciul prin default.

13.   GK-ul nu poate fi ANY.

-        In caz contrar, jucatorul si managerul pot primi suspendare/ban

14.   In cazul deconectarii unui jucator la inceperea unei partide, echipa cu problema se poate deconecta pana in minutul 10` doar daca scorul este 0-0. Daca in timp ce ies din joc pentru reconectare jucatorii echipei cu probleme, echipa adversa marcheaza (se poate demonstra acest lucru pe live), se reincepe meciul de la scorul 0-1 pentru echipa care a apucat sa marcheze.

15.   Tragerea de timp (tinutul mingii in coltul terenului cu sau fara shield fara intentia de a juca faza, tinutul mingii cu shield in mod repetat fara intentia de a juca faza) este interzisa! Asteptarile la out, lovitura libera, degajarea portarului la limita timpului permis de joc sunt permise!

-        In caz contrar, echipa care foloseste aceste lucruri pierde meciului prin default

16.   La lovituri libere (executate de adversar) nu trebuie sa aveti jucatori pe linia portii sau in careul mic al portarului, exceptie fac loviturile executate dupa linia imaginara, care traverseaza vertical inceputul careului mic (dinspre punctul cu var).  Jucatorii pot alerga spre linia portii intrand in careul mic al portarului doar in momentul in care incepe animatia celui care executa lovitura libera.

-        In caz contrar, echipa care a facut acest lucru pierde meciul prin default.

17.   Portarul nu are voie sa iasa din poarta pentru a merge in atac, decat in cazul in care echipa este condusa si decat dupa minutul 80.

-        In caz contrar, jucatorul respectiv poate primi suspendare/ban

18.   Orice jucator care se dovedeste ca nu si-a aparat corect sansele (dovada poate fi mesaje sau chiar video cu jocul in care se vede acest lucru) primeste suspendare/ban

19.   Managerul oricarei echipe care se dovedeste ca nu si-a aparat corect sansele (dovada poate fi mesaje sau chiar video cu jocul in care se vede acest lucru) primeste automat suspendare/ban iar echipa poate fi chiar exclusa din campionat.

20.   Echipele care folosesc orice fel de GLITCH pierd meciul automat prin default.

21.   De la ora default de incepere a meciului se acepta o toleranta de +/- 10 minute pentru disputarea partidei.

a)      O partida este reprogramabila doar daca managerii ambelor echipe sunt de acord cu aceasta schimbare insa numai in saptamana respectivului meci, nu in alta saptamana. In Cupa Romaniei, meciul se poate amana insa fara a depasi ziua disputarii urmatoarei faze.

-        In caz contrar, meciul se disputa la data si ora prestabilita

22.   Echipa care foloseste un jucator neeligibil va pierde meciul prin default. Daca se intampla si a doua oara, pe langa penalizarea cu default, echipa va fi penalizata si cu -1pct.

23.   Managerii care isi parasesc postul in timpul competitiei vor primi BAN pentru un intreg sezon (tot restul sezonului + numarul de etape jucate din sezonul actual)

24.   Transferurile de la o echipa la alta se fac doar in perioade dedicate, perioade in care managerii au obligatia sa puna jucatorii „pe liber”. Perioadele dedicate sunt intre sezoane si intre tur si retur – doar timp de o saptamana.

-        In caz contrar, jucatorul care se transfera in alta perioada decat cea explicata mai sus primeste suspendare/ban

25.   Numarul de transferuri pe parcursul unui sezon este: 1 singur transfer pentru jucatorii fara cont PREMIUM si 2 transferuri pentru jucatorii cu cont PREMIUM. Jucatorul cu cont PREMIUM se poate transfera in orice moment al sezonului, atat timp cat nu depaseste numarul maxim de transferuri (2 transferuri/jucator), mai putin incepand cu faza sferturilor de finala a Cupei Romaniei, atunci cand tranferurile sunt blocate pentru orice tip de cont.

a)      Daca un jucator joaca un meci in cadrul unei etape si apoi se transfera la alta echipa, nu poate juca la noua echipa in aceeasi etapa.

-        In caz contrar, jucatorul in cauza poate primi suspendare/ban

26.   Jucatorii trebuie sa fie foarte atenti cand accepta un contract deoarece, chiar daca nu joaca nici un meci pentru echipa cu care a semnat sau chiar daca contractul este reziliat imediat, se considera ca a jucat pentru echipa respectiva si trebuie sa se supuna regulei referitoare la transferuri.

27.   Disciplina: in cazul in care apar dovezi in care se demonstreaza ca un anumit jucator aduce injurii unuia sau mai multor membrii ai altei echipe pe canalul de discord al ligii sau pagina facebook VPL (jignire verbala, poza de profil, etc), acesta primeste suspendare/ban in functie de gravitate.

28.   Suspendarile se aplica in toate competitiile interne

29.   Este interzis blocajul portarului la lovituri libere si lovituri de colt.

-        In caz contrar, echipa care a facut acest lucru si este demonstrat cu imagini video, pierde meciul prin default.

30.   Varsta minima pentru Manageri este de 18 ani. Varsta minima pentru Co-manageri este de 16 ani. Exceptie fac anumite cazuri care se vor supune votului tuturor managerilor.

31.   In timpul sezonului, se pot transfera jucatori liberi (care nu au mai evoluat pentru alta echipa in acel sezon in campionatul intern) in orice moment cu obligatia managerului/co-managerului sa anunte transferul conform regulamentului.

32.   Daca exista intelegeri/contracte ce constau in premii financiare intre un manager si jucatori, acestia trebuie sa respecte contractul/intelegerea pe toata durata acesteia. Managerii trebuie sa trimita o lista cu numele jucatorilor cu care exista intelegere/contracte in premii financiare; daca aceasta lista se actualizeaza, managerul are obligatia sa retrimita lista actualizata. Se pastreaza ca dovada screen shot atat a mesajului managerului catre jucator cat si a mesajului jucatorului catre manager pentru a se putea face dovada acceptarii intelegerii/contractului

-        In caz contrar, cel care nu respecta intelegerea/contractul poate fi suspendat/ban pe perioada intelegerii

33.   Managerii au obligatia de a se asigura ca toti jucatorii din lot au contract pe intreaga perioada a sezonului

-        In caz contrar, in momentul in care contractul unui jucator expira in timpul sezonului, aceasta nu poate fi semnat decat daca respecta regula unui transfer normal.

34.   Orice problema, cerere de default, plangere, etc. se adreseaza admiilor ligii, nu se discuta pe grupul de facebook, discord, etc. pana nu se ia o decizie

-        In caz contrar, reclamatia poate sa nu se mai ia in considerare.

35.   Criteriu de departajare in cazul egalitatii de puncte:

a)      Puncte obtinute in meciurile directe

b)     Regula golului in deplasare in meciurile directe

c)      Diferenta de goluri pe tot parcursul campionatului (golaverajul)

36.   Desfasurarea Cupei Romaniei se va prezenta tuturor managerilor inaintea inceperii, pentru a se putea stabili formatul, in functie de numarul de echipe prezent.

37.   Programul campionatului:

a)      Zilele meciurilor: Marti si Joi

b)     Ora de disputare: 22:00

38.   Scorul pentru default este 1-0.

39.   Un sezon se incheie odata cu terminarea Cupei.















1.      Every player/manager must have the GamerTag identical/similar with the account on the competitional site, www.virtualproleague.com .

-        Otherwise, the player becomes ineligible to play.

2.      Each team is obliged to broadcast the match LIVE and save it, regardless of the platform used (Youtube, Twitch, Facebook, etc.)

-        Otherwise, at the first rule violation, the team is warned, and from the second rule violation it is penalized with -1 point in the table.

a)      The player who broadcasts the match LIVE is obliged to press the "X" button at the end of the match to see all the GamerTags of both teams, then to go to PLAYER RATINGS for both teams, to his own team and to the opponent, in order to see the match ratings and cards received for BOTH teams, and lastly go to PERFORMANCE to see the statistics of all the players in your own team in order to complete the statistics on the site. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S6KxjwYlvzM&list=PLg-ZrOhk2jk3dHKea-lVWtZ4icvAbChVv&index=2)

-        Otherwise, at the first rule violation, the team is warned, and from the second rule violation it is penalized with -1 point in the table.

3.      The stream must be uploaded on the VPL website, the maximum limit being 00:00 Romanian time, on the day of the match.

-        Otherwise, at the first rule violation, the team is warned, and from the second rule violation it is penalized with -1 point in the table.

4.      The individual statistics from the end of the match (goals, correct passes, etc.) must be reported on the site until the day after the match, until 12:00 Romanian time.

-        Otherwise, the statistics will no longer be taken into account and will remain 0 for the respective match.

-        If a statistic is wrong for a player, that player no longer receives the statistics for that match.

5.      If the player who made the stream is disconnected or an unforeseen situation occurs during the broadcast, the statistics will be considered only if another player will film with the phone or other device exactly what must be filmed at the end of the game (GT- both teams, Player Ratings for both teams and Performance for their own team for each player)

6.      Players who receive a red card will be suspended for the next match.

-        Otherwise, the team that uses the ineligible player loses the match by default.

7.      Players who are caught using different / multiple accounts to play will automatically receive a suspension / ban.

8.      Team managers have the obligation to send the rules to the players to be known by all players.

-        Otherwise, managers may be responsible for certain "mistakes" made by their own players who do not know the rules (eg: blocking the goalkeeper, wasting time, etc.)

9.      The manager / co-manager of each team is obliged to announce each transfer made, on the  facebook group by a message that will include the name of the Facebook account, the GamerTag and the username on the VPL site

-        Otherwise, the transferred player cannot be used and becomes ineligible.

10.   Managers / Co-managers are not allowed to terminate players' contracts, except in the case of transfers (within the established period)

-        Otherwise, the one who did this is warned at the first rule violation, and from the second rule violation he can receive suspension / ban.

11.   The teams eligible for the competition must have in the rooster a minimum number of 8 players signed on the site and a minimum number of 6 players present in each game.

12.   Teams are obliged to use ANY, except for PREMIUM teams (teams with at least 5 premium accounts in the rooster), but GK position is optional

-        Otherwise, the team that violates this rule loses the match by default.

13.   GK cannot be ANY.

-        Otherwise, the player and the manager can receive suspension / ban

14.   In case of disconnecting a player at the beginning of a match, the team with the problem can disconnect until the 10th minute only if the score is 0-0. If, while the players of the team with problems leave the game to reconnect, the opposing team scores (this can be demonstrated with the stream), the match is resumed from the score 0-1 for the team that managed to score.

15.   Wasting time (holding the ball in the corner of the field with or without shield (LT) without the intention of playing the game, holding the ball with shield (LT) repeatedly without the intention of playing the game) is forbidden! Wasting time on throw in, free kick, clearance of the goalkeeper within the game time limit are allowed!

-        Otherwise, the team that uses these things loses the match by default

16.   When are free kicks (executed by the opponent), you must not have players on the goal line or in the goalkeeper's small square, except for the shots executed after the imaginary line, which crosses vertically the beginning of the small square (from the penalty spot). The players can run towards the goal line by entering the small square of the goalkeeper only after the animation of the player that takes the free kick begins 

-        Otherwise, the team that did this loses the match by default.

17.   The goalkeeper is not allowed to leave the goal to go on the attack, unless the team is led and only after the 80th minute.

-        Otherwise, the player can receive suspension / ban

18.   Any player who proves that he did not defend his chances correctly (the proof can be messages or even video with the game in which this is seen) receives suspension / ban

19.   The manager of any team that proves that he did not defend his chances correctly (the proof can be messages or even video with the game in which this is seen) automatically receives suspension / ban and the team can even be excluded from the championship.

20.   Teams using any kind of GLITCH lost the match automatic by default.

21.   From the default start time of the match, a tolerance of +/- 10 minutes is accepted for the match.

a)      A match can be rescheduled only if the managers of both teams agree with this change but only in the week of the respective match, not in another week. In the Romanian Cup, the match can be postponed without exceeding the day of the next phase.

-        Otherwise, the match is played on preset dates and hours

22.   The team that uses an ineligible player will lose the match by default. If it happens a second time, besides the penalty with default, the team will be penalized with -1pct.

23.   Managers who leave their job during the competition will receive BAN for one season (the rest of the season + the number of stages played in the current season)

24.   Transfers from one team to another are made only in dedicated periods, periods in which managers have the obligation to put players on "free agent". The dedicated periods are between seasons and between the 1st part and 2nd part of the championship - only for one week.

-        Otherwise, the player who transfers in another period than the one explained above receives suspension / ban

25.   The number of transfers during a season is: 1 single transfer for players without a PREMIUM account and 2 transfers for players with a PREMIUM account. The player with PREMIUM account can transfer at any time of the season, as long as it does not exceed the maximum number of transfers (2 transfers / player), except starting with the quarterfinals of the Romanian Cup, when transfers are blocked for any type of accounts.

-        If a player plays a match in one stage and then transfers to another team, he cannot play for the new team in the same stage.

-        Otherwise, the player that violates the rule may receive a suspension / ban

26.   Players must be very careful when accepting a contract because, even if they do not play a match for the team they signed with or even if the contract is terminated immediately, they are considered a player for that team and must comply with the rules to transfers.

27.   Discipline: if there is evidence that a certain player is insulting one or more members of another team on the league's discord channel or VPL facebook page (verbal insult, profile picture, etc.), he receives suspension / ban depending on severity.

28.   The suspensions apply in all internal competitions

29.   It is forbidden to block the goalkeeper for free kicks and corner kicks.

30.   The minimum age for Managers is 18 years. The minimum age for Co-managers is 16 years. Exceptions are certain cases that will be submitted to the vote of all managers.

31.   During the season, free players (who have not played for another team from that league in that season) may be transferred at any time with the obligation of the manager / co-manager to announce the transfer according to the regulations.

32.   If there are contracts/agreements that includes prizes between a manager and a player, those needs to respect the contract/agreement for the entire period. Managers must send a list with the names of the players with who they have contract/agreements that include cash prizes to the admins; if this list is updated, the manager must resend the list updated. Managers/Players must keep as a proof the screen shots of the message of the manager to the player, but also the message of the player to the manager as an acceptance of the contract/agreement. 

-        Otherwise, the one who doesn`t respect the contract/agreement can be suspended/banned for the entire period of contract/agreement

33.   Managers have the obligation to ensure that all players in the team have a contract for the entire period of the season

-        Otherwise, when a player's contract expires during the season, it can only be signed if it respects the rule of a normal transfer.

34.   Any problem, default request, complaint, etc. it is addressed to the admis of the league, it must not be discussed on the facebook group, discord, etc. until a decision is made

-        Otherwise, the complaint may no longer be considered.

35.   Separation criteria in case of equality of points:

a)      Points obtained in direct matches

b)     The away goal rule in direct matches

c)      The difference of goals throughout the championship (goal difference)

36.   The format of the Romanian Cup will be presented to all managers before the start, in order to establish it, depending on the number of teams present.

37.   Championship program:

a)      Match days: Tuesday and Thursday

b)     Game time: 22:00 (Romanian time) / 20:00 (UK time)

38.   The default score is 1-0.

39.   A season ends after the end of the Romanian Cup.